Silk Sweet │ Homemade desserts & chocolate

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絹絲谷Silk Sweet

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    台北市士林區永公路500巷46號 / 台北市信義區松仁路28號B2 (BELLAVITA B2)

The depth of our desserts are defined by our choices of ingredients. Whether it’d be the DNA or the selection of our products, having depth is a core value we strive to maintain.


After scouring the rich and fertile land Taiwan has to offer, to find that there wasn’t a natural sweetener that suited us. This turned us to making our own brown sugar from sugar cane, we also started making our own cheese as well because of the added environmental benefits. We are conscious of the negative impact on the environment, that’s high mileage foods can cause.


Silk sweet does not welcome the use of any artificial ingredients.


This led us to build our own greenhouse, where we take care of our herbs and the plants so they can grow freely.


We’d rather put a bit more heart into what we do, than to loss the authenticity of the flavor. we believe that the only cost that should be of concern is the cost to your health.


At Silk Sweet, we use our determination to create a dessert that represents our attitude towards life.


Enhance your quality of living, by letting us temper with nature for you.